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Chinese + Chinese Culture, A Special Mid-Autumn Festival Experience Class for International Students

Updated:2021-09-22 10:50|Hits:

From the News Center(Text by Zuo Yingzi, International Exchange Office,  Picture by Liu Zhirong,Converged Media Center of LVCT) “Let us wish that man will live long as he can! Though miles apart, we’ll share the beauty the moon displays.”As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, in order to let international students understand Chinese Culture and feel the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival. On the afternoon of September 17, 2021, the school of International Education provided the international students with a special cultural experience of Mid-Autumn Festival at the Ingenuity Academy.

Taking learning the expressions related to Mid-autumn Festival as a target putting learning traditional culture of Mid-autumn Festival as a theme,Yingzi Zuo, teacher  of the school of International Education told the students Chinese stories about the traditional Mid-Autumn culture by playing myths movies, chatting about customs, appreciating verses, singing songs, and making moon cakes, which made them feel“the taste of China”. The culture class began with a piece of beautiful music A Moonlit Night on the Spring River. The origin, development and related celebration activities of the Mid-Autumn Festival were introduced through an animation. An Chenli from Indonesia told the students the story of  Chang‘e Flying to the Moon. Students from different countries introduced the moon-related festivals and customs in their countries, which aroused the interest of other students and teachers. In order to help the international students to grasp the words and sentences about the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zuo took the stage to sing the song Prelude to Water Ripple; which brought the classroom atmosphere to a climax. International students joined the song learning one after another, with laughters, singing, and applause filled the classroom. In the practice session, pastry chefs were invited  to teach the students to make mooncakes. The students actively participated in the on-site production. The atmosphere was lively and warm. The international students showed off their mooncakes and took pictures of their labor results with their mobile phones,sharing the joy of celebrating the festival in China with family and friends, and sharing the beautiful moments of spending the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. Everyone said that this event made them feel the charm of Chinese culture in their own practice, and they could have a deeper understanding of the Chinese traditional culture, learn and exchange Chinese in the authentic experience.

Before the teaching, in order to strengthen the safety management of international students’ holidays and ensure their personal safety, Wei Linhua, director of the International Exchange Office,conducted holiday safety education. Wei Linhua emphasized the safety precautions, epidemic prevention and control measures during holidays . The International students are required not only to abide by national laws and regulations, but also to consciously make a daily health monitoring, and truthfully report the vacation trends to the counselor Huang Jianxia to ensure the safety in the holiday season.

The cultural experience class of Mid-Autumn Festival  achieved the teaching objectives and  a complete success.


Wei Linhua, director of the International Exchange Office, educates the international students on holiday safety and epidemic prevention and control


Teacher Zuo Yingzi is giving a Mid-Autumn Festival culture class to the international students


International students are watching the video , Chang’e Flying to the Moon 


International students actively speak in class


Recite the poem,Prelude to Water Ripple


Experience making mooncakes


Fresh moon cakes out of the oven

Department website reviewer: Wei Linhua, Office of International Exchange (School of International Education)

College Editor-in-chief and supervisor: Luo Shihua, Publicity Department of the Party Committee